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Fille souriante

The accompaniment
in the process

The support is intended for refugees who can stay in social housing but not immediately after leaving an accommodation structure.

or domiciliation of asylum seekers.

Support for access to rights and administrative and social procedures

We support people to inform them of their rights and obligations, develop their autonomy in administrative procedures 

Our support facilitates the management of specific procedures for the opening of rights

The rights include, for example:


  • Right of residence

  • Obtaining a travel document

  • Reconstitution of civil status with OFPRA

  • Family reunification

  • Acquisition of French nationality

  • Health and supplementary cover (CSS)

  • Social benefits (RSA, APL,...)

  • Driving license exchange

  • Opening a bank account.

Aider à la main Badge

Our support also allows us to provide:


  • An orientation towards the adapted services of the Haut-Rhin department

  • Information to the people accompanied on the healthcare system and their connection, if necessary, with a general practitioner or any other health service, including mental health.

  • Parenting support:

    • schooling and schooling of children

    • information on the support in the French education system

    • mediation in case of problem

    • referral to parenting support or childcare associations.

  • An orientation towards the devices aiming to create a link with the host society:

    •  mentoring programs

    • sponsorship

    • civic service

    • collective activities involving residents and 

  • connection with the115for people without accommodation or housing solution.

administration and services

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